Older Women
They don't swell, they don't tell, and they're grateful as Hell

Benjamin Franklin


I have always had a thing for guys younger than myself. When I was coming out and in my mid twenties my boyfriend was 19. When I was in my early thirties I found myself dating guys in their mid twenties. In my early 40s my boyfriend was 31.

I am getting close to 50 and I find men in their early to mid 30s very attractive. On my trips to thailand I more often have hooked up with guys in their late 20s and early 30s. I feel more parental than sexual with guys that are younger. I feel like I should make their lunch and help them with their school homework.

I teach at a university and I have to admit there are a few cute guys running around that I would go hard up in a minute.... but the president of the university is very clear... faculty can not fuck students!