Just read about the aussie lady on holidays over their in the political correct mad America.She was watching broback mountains at the cinema and some stupid bitch was sitting a few seats up from her talkin on her mobile phone so the aussie touched her on the shoulder and said"hey mate would ya be quiet".Next thing the Yank sheila is running out the cinema screaming and the Aussie woman got charged with assault.
She got 200 dollars fine yestarday in Texas court.
What a flamin joke this is! You see this is where all this started,all this bullshit political corectness in this America. About 5 years ago i had a very good friend committ suicide because of these women and white shoe poofs.He was a hospital cleaner at a big hospital in Sydney and quite gruff and very big bloke and apparently one day he got a complaint for calling a nurse "darling". He then got "counselled" for this.The following weeks he became depressed,and then he showed me another complaint letter written by a poofta male nurse who said he was sitting at his nursing desk when my friend Waren the cleaner approached to empty his garbage bin when he got scared at the way Waren walked and looked aggressive.
Needless to say Warren was sent by this major sydney Hospital to "walking theraphy" to make him walk less aggressively.I decided after a few to confront this nurse poofta and was escorted out by security guards.Warren was a good man coming from the bush to the city to pay his mortgage.He died of a heart attack caused by drinking in July 2001.
His death was caused by a poof nurse and one lesbian nursing matron.
I warned the poof nurse that i would be back.These people have to know they cant do this to good people and walk over them.Your defence of being a poof is not good enough.Ever since then i have had a massive hatred of feminine types of poofs wearing white shoes walking with a limp wrist the same as this shit nurse .I dont like them.If i accidently happened to walk pat this nurse in Sydney i would probaly kill him.