This is a must watch movie.
Simply incredible.
Its about the total failure of the US health care system to take care of its people.

If you are in the US for the opening next week, by all means buy a ticket.
However you choose to view it, this is a must see movie for Americans.
Moore is on record as not being upset that this free download is available. He wants all Americans to watch this movie. He wants us to rise up and change the broken system!

So, here is a way to watch it if you aren't in a place where it is showing, like Thailand. I just did this. It worked fine and the movie made my cry.

The info for this download is at:
and go to the movies section and Sicko thread

Shortcut if you don't want to register there:

Movie download: ... B.rar.html

then extract the file

player download:

It will not play on a standard Windows media player