When you were in Thailand what was one of the tricks used on you to sucker you out of your money?

One was at A-bomb. I Love that gogo bar and will enjoy the bar again when I return in October. Now I can't say for sure if this is a standard practice but here it is...

I was there with a friend and we were going to off a guy for him. We offed the guy and they brung a drink for the gogo boy that we had to pay for. No Problem... we liked him and was more than happy to let him reap the rewards of his cut from the charge we pay for the drink.

The next time I went there with a married couple looking for a guy to off. I helped them find a guy and again they pushed the drink... So I began to wonder if it were possible to off a guy and not have them add a drink charge to the final bill.

I went back alone and offed a known dancer. It was very fast. Immediately after I entered the bar, I spotted the guy I was going to off on stage. He nodded to me, I nodded to him and motioned for him to come off the stage, the host ask me if I like him and I told him that he will come with me. Then things began to happen fast. I refused a drink myself, the gogo boy I offed appeared in his street clothes and then here comes the drink being pushed into his hands, he has only enough time to take a sip and then.... My bill... With the gogo guys drink added to the total.... angry9: They GOT Me!

I paid it... Said nothing and kept smiling.....