Quote Originally Posted by maump View Post
I know how to fuck and be fucked. and I enjoy that in a massage environment... but, if I want to learn what a great Thai massage is, where do I go? the Blind massage school in Jomtien?

I had a great stretching muscle working one on the beach at jomtien for 300B/hr in 2016

a/b. I have 2 types of massage I am interested in (besides sex). one that works my old skin to help rejuvenate it (scrub). and one that stretches my muscles and tendons to help keep this old coot limber. where do I find that? what are they called?

I see 4,5 types of massages listed, but don't know what they are. (also hard an soft? just how much pain I have?)

IN my ideal massage, he works me pretty good, and tops me because I'm too tired to fuck him. otherwise, its just a fun playtime followed by me fucking him,,,
@a,b; did you have that before or are now only reading? A scrub in TH usually means they go with a kind of sandpaper over the skin to remove dead cells etc-this will not make your skin younger.
IN fact I think you should not combine this with s..x, will only lead to disappointment.
Thai msg as such: it is skin on skin, you wear a kind of hospital gown, and it does indeed include lots of stretching, knacking, twisting. IF it really is done by a good and well trained one, they should ask first how strong you want it-and even show what they think is ´strong´ (grip, to avoid any misunderstanding). A well done all-body over will take some 2hrs. Of course you can ask for only some parts etc.
No exp. myself at all with this for the blind, as a general rule they tend to get good reviews. I think you may be better off with what hospitals offer in this, but those better acquainted with Pty will perhaps know better. Borders more on what fysiotherapy does in the west. Many of them also get the senior citizen reductions (in home country).
Your ideal will need 2 separate treatments-wow- double time in heaven! (or well, hmm, still maybe half). The tipical msg guys from the HE-shops will not have much exp. with this.