From the age of twenty-three, I experienced UK racism almost day to day. Police racism towards my Black friends and workmates and in particular towards their youngsters, political racism insofar as power in the UK was and continues to be exercised by the white and wealthy, cultural racism in that Black experience was often denied media examination.

And then, as a retired traveller, I experienced the most shocking, even genocidal, racism when I was travelling in Palestine between 2004 and 2017; from the police, the military and the colonists.

As Dodger notes, ordinary citizens aren't usually tainted with this disease. But "ordinary" people don't run my country: and they never have. Nor are they in power in the countries I know well. Including Thailand. We know what happens when the "wrong" party wins an election here.

Like others here, I am a beneficiary of an imbalanced power structure, based on race, wealth and class. Some would add gender to that list. Let's be honest and accept it.