Quote Originally Posted by Nirish guy View Post
For clarity - no one, ever, said that being vaccinated would stop you getting Omicron, vaccination was merely to reduce the effects and that as well as Omicron being less aggressive seems to have worked, hence why 90% of the patients in ICU wards in the UK and UN vaccinated.
Well … I think that’s a sense that has emerged. Say the word “vaccination” and most people think “inoculation” which does mean prevention. However (as Wikipedia points out) although people use vaccination and inoculation as if they are interchangeable, they are two different things. Medical experts believing that everyone is as educated in the different terminologies as they are have used “vaccination” in its precise and technical meaning while lay people (almost all of us) thought they meant inoculation. It’s the old “assume = make an ass of you and me” problem

The various COVID vaccines are just that - vaccines - not inoculations