Quote Originally Posted by Gaybutton View Post

......As farang guests in their country, we don't get to have any say-so whatsoever. We may not like the rules and restrictions. We may think enough is enough. We may find much of it absurd. That doesn't matter. What does matter is the rules and restrictions are in place and we are expected to comply and obey them.
One would assume from your position that you abide by ALL LAWS, including Thailand's law against Prostitution which was criminalized in 1960 under the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act 1996 and Article 286 of the Criminal Code.

Do you abide by ALL laws? Or do you allow yourself the privilege of deciding which ones pertain to you, and which ones don't?

If by chance you consider what you're doing to be acceptable (like everyone else) because there's a blind-eye to this in Thailand, wouldn't it be possible that the powers-to-be are turning a blind-eye to certain aspects of this reopening as well? Wouldn't it also be possible that people are willing to take a little health risk when they're out at the bars and clubs, just to be able to feel alive again?

Be open-minded.