Quote Originally Posted by Manforallseasons View Post
This is not Barry Kenyon…and it is a new requirement.
I know, I was referring to Barry's similar article in today's PattayaOne.

Ironically, my extension expired on Oct 1, 2021. I had the insurance they were looking for (as described in these articles you're reading) so there was no problem.

The reason I upgraded my policy through AA earlier this year was exactly for this reason.

They're trying to push the sales of these policies now because the flood gates are about to open, thus the reason the article you just linked us to only addresses new applicants for the O-A visa - when in fact, it applies to all holders of O-A visa's.

Wide-spread rumor has it that O-Visa holders are next on the hit parade.

I'm just going to throw this out there:

Immigration isn't necessarily thrilled with people who comply. They would much rather have people use the services of an Agent. You and I both know the reason why. Of the 16 foreign expats that reside in my building here in Bang Saray, there's only one guy, other than myself, that complies with all these requirements and walks into immigration every year to extend. The rest just go about enjoying life and let their Agents handle the rest.