an that gruesome insatiable media bloodsucker getya tummybuggered has rolled into glasgee giving her opinions on everything to do with the environment and like elected leaders should listen politely an take her like a proper expert that's done the learnin on things like economies impacting an the jobs what's in the energy sections of the world an hows a farmer in some swamp sposed to drain the swamp if his two stroke ain't allowed an she's never ad a job yets gonna tell the world how it's buisness gotta be done and the leaders gotta applaud er cos shes just a kid but anyhow she aint no kid now shes all growed up an all so shes made erself the environs guru with no responsbility so she can sit down wiv proper jurnlists an reporters an they can ask er questions like farmers feedin theys kids and uver kids getting to skool an the zillions of jobs in the world an she can't get away with teary died sobbin but will be held to account for the numbers an she tells what it is she wants for er trouble and all the conskwenses of those things an then shortly after she's add a bit of a few interview kickins with nowhere to ide she's likely going off to do the learnin an the books to understand a bit more stuff and maybe just fuck off for a while.