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Thread: Music..Drink..Astra

  1. #11
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    I can vouch for what NIrish said. A client of mine who's fully vaccinated with Pfizer but is in a hot spot is currently battling Covid. He's a few years younger than me too, and is only in his mid 30s.

    Sounds like he's having a rough go at it. Hopefully he gets better soon, because he owes me money.

  2. #12
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Yes that was my point Matt - most of my friends and workmates who picked it up had all thought "Im jabbed, so I'm fully protected now" and so went back out partying to large scale crowded concerts etc just like the old days, all with the view of "well if I get it I get it but as I'm double jabbed it wont really make much difference to me now" - but actually each to a man ( and a few women too) have all said now " wtf was I thinking and if I realised that if and when I caught it it would knock me off my feet for a full week and make my feel like shit for up to 4 weeks after that" then they all wished that they'd perhaps given things just a little more time so covid levels here dropped just a bit further to lessen the risk of them getting it at all.

    My point was never we should cower away, just merely just common sense in the places and risk situations we place ourselves and be aware that if we DO still pick up Covid it still wont be a pleasant experience for most people, until they recover again. And if like myself its more important than ever perhaps to keep working just now in trying to get life going again the LAST thing I or anyone would need is 3 or 4 weeks of feeling like crap just now I'm guessing.

    To me thats nothing to do with "rights or liberties or freedoms or any vexing messages" - it's just basic common sense and something for those it matters to health wise is something they would want to remember / consider re just how much we go back to "normal life" straight away is all.

  3. #13
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Exactly. I'm of the mindset that if I get it, then I get it. As you said though, a little common sense goes a long way. For me at least, it's really not a problem to carry a mask around in my pocket and throw it on before I go into a store or whatever. If I'm having folks over for dinner and drinks, I also don't have a problem checking in with them and asking whether or not they're vaccinated. If they get offended by that, then too bad for them, and don't come.

    At the same time, not going to let it deter me from moving abroad and enjoying life. It's a balancing act.

    I'll never understand the people who treat Covid as a joke though. A week or two back I seen on the news about a "Get Covid" party that happened in Edson, Alberta, Canada. I guess about 80 of these Darwin award candidates were there. Reasoning is they think vaccines are for pussies, and they're going to get immunity the "real man's" way be getting Covid naturally. Gotta say, red necks aren't exactly the brightest folks on the planet.

  4. #14
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Quote Originally Posted by Manforallseasons View Post
    Being that my first dose was AstraZeneca I followed with the recommended 2nd dose of Astra I also ordered through a local hospital 1 dose of Moderna as a booster sometime in December.
    Congrats on being fully jabbed.

    You may want to consider getting your booster a bit later than December. According to the experts (there's a billion of them) around 6-8 months after the second jab is recommended. Tests are still in the process of determining the best duration for the the boosters but 6 months seems to be a pretty good bet.

    Also, the experts are suggesting that we don't mix vaccine types (even for the boosters), as there is not enough data yet to reach a conclusion on this. Getting a jab of Moderna, even with its slightly higher efficacy level than the AZ you received, probably wouldn't make any difference anyway. I know that I'm staying with the same vaccine during this whole roller coaster ride.

  5. #15
    Senior member Gaybutton's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    I am not anti-vaxxer. I am anti-complacency. Getting fully vaccinated does NOT mean now you are immune to Covid. It means you are less likely to get it and less likely to die from it. And even though you probably won't die from it, what you'll likely go through as the disease runs its course won't be pleasant. And even then, you're not guaranteed to be immune. You could become infected yet again. No vaccination has yet been developed that can guarantee you won't get Covid.

    If anyone truly believes once you are vaccinated, now nothing to worry about and you can throw caution to the wind, then I suggest you get on YouTube and watch a few of the old Disney - Jiminy Cricket "I'm No Fool" videos.

    Personally, even once I get my second jab later this month, I fully intend to continue all the precautions as best as I can (with the exception of absurd ones such as wearing a mask when driving a car alone) until people just aren't getting Covid anymore. Besides, the precautions are probably preventing me from getting other diseases as well.

    If someone has sensible reasons not to continue the precautions, what are they?

  6. #16
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Mixing Astro Zenica with Modurna makes absolutely no sense. I'm not going to bother looking it up, but I would suggest you lookup exactly how these mRNA vaccines work. You can't just get one jab and think you're good to go because you previously had two jabs of Astro Zenica as that's simply not how it works.

    The first mRNA jab activates your innate immune system, which are basically your frontline workers within your immune system. When you cut yourself or scrape a knee or something, it's your innate immune system that immediately rushes over to the affected area and starts cleaning it up. That first jab activates that innate immune system and teaches the frontline workers to detect and attack the spike protein.

    The second jab acts as the long-term memory storage jab. With the second jab your T cells will take everything your body has learned about the spike protein, head over to your lymph nodes which are essentially your immune system's library, and store all that information there for a later day. Once the second jab has had a couple of weeks to settle in, if Covid enters your body your T cells will recognize it then with the information saved in your mymph nodes, rush over to the affected area and start telling yur innate immune system how to attack the spike protein.

    I may have gotten small details of that wrong, but in essence, that's why the mRNA is a two jab process. I guess you'd need to consult a qualified immunologist for this, but simply getting one jab of Modurana and leaving it at that doesn't seem like it would offer you that much protection. You need that second jab as that one activates the long-term memory response in your immune system.

  7. #17
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    nirish...what u describe sounds like the flu....stop acting like a super model with a broken finger nail...

  8. #18
    Administrator Moses's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
    Mixing Astro Zenica with Modurna makes absolutely no sense. I'm not going to bother looking it up, but I would suggest you lookup exactly how these mRNA vaccines work. You can't just get one jab and think you're good to go because you previously had two jabs of Astro Zenica as that's simply not how it works.

    The first mRNA jab activates your innate immune system, which are basically your frontline workers within your immune system. When you cut yourself or scrape a knee or something, it's your innate immune system that immediately rushes over to the affected area and starts cleaning it up. That first jab activates that innate immune system and teaches the frontline workers to detect and attack the spike protein.

    The second jab acts as the long-term memory storage jab. With the second jab your T cells will take everything your body has learned about the spike protein, head over to your lymph nodes which are essentially your immune system's library, and store all that information there for a later day. Once the second jab has had a couple of weeks to settle in, if Covid enters your body your T cells will recognize it then with the information saved in your mymph nodes, rush over to the affected area and start telling yur innate immune system how to attack the spike protein.

    I may have gotten small details of that wrong, but in essence, that's why the mRNA is a two jab process. I guess you'd need to consult a qualified immunologist for this, but simply getting one jab of Modurana and leaving it at that doesn't seem like it would offer you that much protection. You need that second jab as that one activates the long-term memory response in your immune system.
    Matt, who told to you this fairytale?

    Both doses of Moderna, both doses of Pfizer, both doses of Astra and so on are chemically identical. The only existing vaccine against Covid with different components is Sputnik - one component is based on adenovirus type 26 and another is based on type 5.

    In case of Moderna (and other 2-jabs vaccines, excl Sputnik) reason why they parted 1ml dose to 2 injections is - it significally (around 8 times) lowers chances to get complications after injections. Also they tried to distribute vaccines as wide and fast as they can at time when quantity of vaccines is limited - by distributing 0.5 ml instead of 1 ml they cover 2-times bigger population and faster give them basic immunity. Also here maybe is commercial idea - they have more profits when selling 2 vials than 1.

    Second jab is just a booster. You can easy find this information in any paper what is distributed with any package of Moderna, Pfizer and other vaccines.

    And there IS reason to use different vaccines: manufacturers uses different approaches for to make vaccines. As result each vaccine "instructs" our immune system to recognize virus, but each vaccine "introduces" to our system different fragment of spike for recognition - just because each manufacturer had on hands slightly different stamm of virus at time of research. So using 2 vaccines has sense - 2 vaccines WILL "instruct" our immune system better than one - they WILL give more full picture. It is like 3-d vision in comparation with 2-d vision.

    I can tell you even more: in case of combination of vaccines A+B isn't the same as B+A. What vaccine should be used at first and what should be second - IS important for to get better result.

    For example Oxford's study shows what AZ followed by Pfizer induced higher antibodies and T cell responses than Pfizer followed by AZ

    Problem with using two vaccines is laying in different plane: using 2 different vaccines may boost not only immune answer, but also may boost complications. So, to talk with your doctor before to mix vaccines is a good idea.
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    Moggy (October 3rd, 2021)

  10. #19
    Forum's veteran goji's Avatar
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    Quote Originally Posted by Moses View Post
    Matt, who told to you this fairytale?
    Certain board members are renowned for producing fiction. A problem solved by using the ignore list.

    However, since you quoted the latest bullshit, it starts by saying mixing "Astra Zeneca and Moderna makes no sense".
    There are several trials which show mixing vaccines does make sense.

    No need to read any more of this nonsense.

  11. User who gave Like to post:

    Moggy (October 3rd, 2021)

  12. #20
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Music..Drink..Astra

    I'm not an epidemiologist, and don't even know what's inside an aspirin, but what matt had to say was pretty consistent with what I've been reading during this information overload on mixing vaccines.

    Last week, a UK study called Com-COV, which analyzed combinations of the same two vaccines, found that people in the mix-and-match groups experienced higher rates of common vaccine-related side effects, such as fever, than did people who received two doses of the same vaccine.

    The WHO also warns against people mixing and matching (see link below) which is good enough for me. It's just too easy to do things the right way without trying to outsmart the experts. It's not like we're ordering drinks at a bar:

    Farang: "Hey bartender, I'll have two shots of Pfizer with a Moderna chaser"
    Bartender: "Sorry we're out of Moderna, but we have a two for the price of one special on Sinovac.
    Farang: Fuck Sinovac - I'm driving tonight.
    Bartender: OK, then how about a Sputnic chaser and we'll toss in a free bag of pretzels.


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