I am not anti-vaxxer. I am anti-complacency. Getting fully vaccinated does NOT mean now you are immune to Covid. It means you are less likely to get it and less likely to die from it. And even though you probably won't die from it, what you'll likely go through as the disease runs its course won't be pleasant. And even then, you're not guaranteed to be immune. You could become infected yet again. No vaccination has yet been developed that can guarantee you won't get Covid.

If anyone truly believes once you are vaccinated, now nothing to worry about and you can throw caution to the wind, then I suggest you get on YouTube and watch a few of the old Disney - Jiminy Cricket "I'm No Fool" videos.

Personally, even once I get my second jab later this month, I fully intend to continue all the precautions as best as I can (with the exception of absurd ones such as wearing a mask when driving a car alone) until people just aren't getting Covid anymore. Besides, the precautions are probably preventing me from getting other diseases as well.

If someone has sensible reasons not to continue the precautions, what are they?