Quote Originally Posted by StevieWonders View Post
(1) All risk is relative. A friend sent me a link from an Australian newspaper yesterday where the Chief Government Medical Official described the risk as “20 times greater indoors”.
(2) There is no scientific consensus; anyone who reads widely knows that it’s at best probabilities such as “the virus is spread by extended contact in confined spaces”
(3) In many jurisdictions the number of deaths in motor vehicle accidents far exceeds deaths from COVID-19 - and we don’t even know those accurately because people dying with COVID-19 as ONE of their co-morbidities are almost always recorded as dying FROM COVID-19
(4) The media pumps up stories about risks only ever observed in laboratories under controlled conditions (eg. contaminated surfaces) as if they are real-world risks. The necklace-clutchers lap it up
The equating of covid19 to motor vehicle deaths is nonsense, a complete red herring. There is no comparison whatever. Deaths from covid19 is one thing. Being afflicted by the virus is quite another. Increasingly scientists and epidemiologists are warning of longer term and indeed long term effects to lungs and other organs in the body.

As for deaths from other ailments being put down to covid19, let's see your evidence. From what I read, more covid19 deaths are recorded as from other ailments. Quite the opposite.