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Thread: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

  1. #41
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    We could of course play this cross posting nonsense all day long and as you said Latin if you REALLY want to examine the issue “google it” ( properly)..... PS that article published “today” is based on a report that was actually published in 2015 and has been widely debunked now so “old” ( and incorrect) news I’m afraid.

    Whilst no one denies making batteries for ALL cars isn’t without its problems environmentally, the key point of course when an ICE car leaves the factory it keeps producing emissions for the rest of its days whereas an EV simply doesn’t, that’s not such a difficult concept to grasp.

    Likewise most negative studies ( which are more than often than not funded by oil companies somewhere down the line) base their “facts” on EVs being juiced up by electric produced by coal fired power at stations, whereas in fact upwards of 50% of such power from stations is and can be produced by renewable methods now ( the fact that China so far refuse to embrace that technology fully yet cant really be blamed on EV manufacturers of course), for example only something like 2% of power in the UK now comes from coal burning stations, which again totally kills the argument in that very old “study”.

    However as I don’t intend / CBA getting into this conversation on here, which enviably will just go round in circles I’ll leave it with you - except to say no where in any of my posts have “I” promoted any green credentials for either Re myself or for EV cars, that would be you brought that up, that’s not the reason I bought my car and I don’t profess to be anymore “green” than anyone else here - but hey don’t let that stop you trying to troll about that fact eh :-) .

    Oh and just to show that anyone can post links to “facts” on the internet ( which of course very rarely are...) here’s a few for you too...

    So there you go, it’s really not rocket science - that’s the other company Elon Musk owns I believe ! :/)





  2. #42
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    ...furthermore...what to do with the half ton toxic batteries once they expire....the fact that in most countries coal is still burnt to generate electricity....that the battery raw materials come mostly from counties with no enviornmental regulations...run by dictators...no human rights...and use child labour....
    But NOOOOO...as long as u r happy.

  3. #43
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    And there you go, making its all about “me” again ..... if you “really” give a shit about the subject ( which I severely doubt anyway) then as you said - go google it a bit more and educate yourself from various sources ( not sponsored from the oil industry for starters might be good) but I’ll leave you too that, not my job.

    Good luck .....

    Oh ps - did I mention that I think my car is fucking brilliant and I love it ! So yes its all about me me MEEEEE - just the way it should be !! :-)

  4. #44
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    So just as an side and on remembering this old thread just wondering did anyone (else) maybe go and add any Tesla stock to their portfolio when reading this thread at the time, maybe buying them and then forgetting about them again for a while, as if so you might want to go check your portfolio and have a quick look ( and get ready to go blow some of it and get blown using some of it ! :-)

    Currently sitting at $1007 a share and rising ( up from $110 at the time of the above thread!!!) !. Crazy !

    There are a number of Tesla success stories of their climb of late plus just today Hertz car hire announcing they have ordered 100,000 Telsa's to add to their hire fleet certainly didn't hurt either I'm guessing !

  5. #45
    Moderator Jellybean's Avatar
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nirish guy View Post
    So just as an side and on remembering this old thread just wondering did anyone (else) maybe go and add any Tesla stock to their portfolio when reading this thread at the time, maybe buying them and then forgetting about them again for a while, as if so you might want to go check your portfolio and have a quick look ( and get ready to go blow some of it and get blown using some of it ! :-)

    Currently sitting at $1007 a share and rising ( up from $110 at the time of the above thread!!!) !. Crazy!

    Wow! So generous, thanks a lot NIrish-guy.
    Remember: Coughs and sneezes spread diseases

  6. #46
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    lol well there seems to be a queue forming, first A447 offering to buy the whole of Pattaya a drink when the bars reopen ( at least that's the way I read it !!! ) and now myself being volunteered to buy lets say no more than 10 coca colas, in small glasses and only applicable during happy hour.....wow this is shaping up to be quite some party ! ( see who said it was only the Scottish who are tight ! :-)

    Ha Im so joking as if things carry on the way they are - hell I might even buy you all TWO drinks (of coca cola) - but FUCK it, I'll even splash out and you can all have that in a PINT Glass no less !!! Woo HOOOOOO PARTYYYYYYY :-)

  7. #47
    Forum's veteran arsenal's Avatar
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    This is an interesting piece. It's about the issue that all electrical vehicles have, the refuelling. Obviously within the next decade or two the charging points will increase 100 fold and equally importantly battery technology will make huge leaps but right now it's a problem.

    The latest saga from the Charley Boorman/Euan McGregor series saw them travel by electric bike from southern Patagonia to LA and they faced similar problems. The freedom of the open road that motorbikes give you was compromised and clearly frustrating.

    https://news.sky.com/story/climate-c...rive-from-lonI don-to-cop26-in-glasgow-using-an-electric-car-12455784

  8. #48
    Forum's veteran goji's Avatar
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    Quote Originally Posted by arsenal View Post
    This is an interesting piece. It's about the issue that all electrical vehicles have, the refuelling. Obviously within the next decade or two the charging points will increase 100 fold and equally importantly battery technology will make huge leaps but right now it's a problem.
    Obviously they also need to add electricity generating capacity for all these electric vehicles and all the heat pumps for domestic heating.
    My estimate was about 3.5x current levels, based on 12,000 miles a year and a COP of 4 for the heat pumps.

    Obviously the buffoons running the country are not doing that, in the case of the UK.
    Perhaps it will be OK for people prepared to have their heat pumps go off for days on end when the wind isn't blowing. For the other 99.5%, it will not be enough.

    I don't think Germany is doing much better either. They are closing their nuclear plants, so where is the reliable zero carbon base load electric supply going to come from ?
    Wind is not reliable enough for that, as is proven by current fluctuations in output.

  9. #49
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    Quote Originally Posted by arsenal View Post
    Obviously within the next decade or two the charging points will increase 100 fold and equally importantly battery technology will make huge leaps but right now it's a problem.

    For public chargers this for sure is what now needs to happen and fast, the governments have been caught sleeping on the job ( as usual) as while the rest of the world latched on to "electric" they hesitated in installing the chargers and now they're rushing to play catch up. Another problem is that instead of ACTUALLY installing them like all useless government bodies they decided to tender that out to suppliers, who of course had then to install the cheapest (most crap) chargers they could source, which then broke down within months of being installed rendering the whole charger idea useless again to a lot of people.

    I should add that Tesla should not be included in the above ( and it's one of the reasons many people buy them) as they DID invest in their OWN charging networks all over the globe and they work just fine, again demand in busy cities is starting to outstrip supply but they're still opening plently of new chargers all the time so seem to be keeping pace with that mainly.

    Also the issue is that people were buying cheaper ( non tesla) battery cars with smaller charge holding batteries, that maybe only held say 150 mile range i.e for going to the shops and running about town etc and only accepted a charge at quite a slow speed, but they then decided to go on say a 2000 mile road trip and THEN complained that they had to stop to charge all the time ( surprise surprise) and again that ( surprise surprise) the PUBLIC charging network was crap and slow it look them ages to find / get charges etc ( all probably quite correct). So again a case of shit PUBLIC charging networks PLUS then perhaps buying the wrong car for their ACTUAL needs.

    I see Tesla have said they're going to open their charging network to a few other manufacturers soon which left a few tesla owners a bit pissed off I think as part of what they paid for WAS the access to a good network, but as the Telsa network is so wide spread and their chargers are much faster than many of the public ones it should all balance out ok hopefully.

    The Euan McGreagor programme was intended of course to be extreme and I dont think they EVER intend or planned to be able to charge satisfactorily where they were going ( hence towing generators with them and all sorts) and was made more the the TV value of it than any EV experiment perhaps. It's well known EV batteries aren't ( weren't) great in freezing cold temperatures, plus their actual batteries were tiny etc, but even they once they hit normal temperatures did work quite well ( and that battery tech is even now considered quite old actually.)

    Certainly with Tesla ( and the others will follow in a while no doubt) there have been big leaps in battery tech even very recently and their range numbers ( 400+ miles on charge now etc) will become normal now.

    It should be said to and the ideal set up is for the car owner to install a 7kw charger on their wall at home and when you pull into the driveway at night you simply plug in and when you come back out later your car is fully charged, just as you do with your mobile phone at night when going to bed, with the need then to use the public chargers only becoming necessary on longer road trips etc. But again the same people who are buying "cheap" electrics cars to "save money" are it seems also the same people who are refusing to spend the £500 ? ONCE to install the home charger and insist on going and sitting taking up space at public chargers every other day, while complaining on social media that "another bloody queue at the charger" - a queue that they and people are like them are causing and could easily avoid ever happening ! So for sure there's still a bit of education needed to take place there it seems until people "get it".

    Thankfully as I have a home charger installed and my (old) 2 year plus Telsa holds around 330 miles on a charge I've yet to have a problem - and thats after my driving it all over Ireland and around France, Spain and the Swiss Alps ( where there were Tesla chargers a plenty - but again "I" wouldn't have liked to have been trying THAT trip depending on PUBLIC network governments chargers I fear !

    If in doubt buy a tesla - if nothing else just to help boost their / my stock values so I can retire (even) earlier !!! lol

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    a447 (November 1st, 2021)

  11. #50
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Electric cars - anyone any thoughts on that!?

    The number of Teslas arriving in Australia is increasing all the time, but it is still difficult to get hold of one.

    When I want something, I want it NOW so having to wait for one is incredibly frustrating.

    Although I'd prefer a Tesla over any other EV, I actually put my name down on a waiting list for the new Hyundai Ioniq 5, not really expecting to get one. And that's exactly what happened. Over 11,000 people put their name on a waiting list for 400 cars and they sold out in 2 hours! I didn't even get a look-in!

    I've been feeling really good since reconciling myself to the fact that I won't be able to travel to Thailand until at least April. I don't even think about it anymore.

    So I've now decided to do the same with an EV. I won't even think about it till the second half of next year. By then the charging infrastructure should be in place.

    So.....let's see what else I can worry about instead!

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