The Nation - Sunday August 6th edition is on-line at: .

Featured on Sundays front page is story of former US Vice-President (served with President Clinton) and Presidential Candidate in 2004 (lost to President GW Bush) - Al Gore's just released Documentary Film "An Inconvenient Truth" - now appearing in Bangkok theaters.

With all the storms and flooding in Northern Thailand - and the sweltering Summer days here in America, the former Vice-President has found a lively topic for discussion worldwide.

I applaud his efforts to educate and inform anyone who will stop to listen about "Global Warming".

There is much to be learned and is damn hot outside here - this Oklahoma afternoon!

I can't wait til the end of this August month ...when I am again to be lucky :-) to be on the beaches of Jomtien...sweltering and weathering the heat with bf and friends ...sipping a cool one... munching on watermelon and pineapple....under the umbrellas :-)

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