Quote Originally Posted by AsDaRa View Post
I am not an expat but my yearly short vacations in Thailand become more expensive. I sure notice it. And I am very angry about it. Who or what is to blame?
In the United Kingdom, AsDaRa, many of us blame the nincompoop David Cameron for his decision to hold a referendum on the European Union, and all that followed from that decision, for the depressingly poor GBP/ Thai Baht exchange rates.

Hitherto I used to spend six months of the year living in Thailand, but will probably reduce my time spent there to three months. But, as a British citizen, thank goodness I do not live there permanently; otherwise I might have been so down on my uppers that I would have been forced to give up . . . sorry, forgive me, but it pains me to say it . . . shopping at Tesco Lotus!