Channel News Asia is currently screening a series on Communist China's latest form of imperialism, their "One Belt, One Road" initiative. Having read How to win friends and influence people the Chinese have decided it's better just to buy friendship instead or, as Richard Nixon is reported to have said when someone suggested a "hearts and minds" campaign to win over the Vietnamese, "When you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow". The episode I watched broadcast on Thursday was about Cambodia and Thailand. Having never been to Phnom Penh (I prefer Siem Reap; I feel quite at home among old ruins since that's my daily milieu here on SGT) I was very interested to see and hear of the very large Chinese impact on condo and other building in PP - quite the high-rise city in just the last few years. And Battambang - all those vulgar casinos, full of Chinese on package tours who make no contribution to the local economy. The programme asks the question "Who benefits?" Draw your own conclusions