If you missed it, last week was Stoic Week. Stoics believe that unhappiness is caused by trying to control events that we have little say over. The only thing we can control is our thinking. By practising Stoicism, we cultivate an attitude of “calm indifference to external states”. Virtues such as rationality and courage are prized. I tend to think of it as having similarities to Buddhism
  • First Noble Truth: things are out of kilter, like the wheel on the car (or the potter's wheel) that isn't properly aligned (the truth of suffering)
  • Second Noble Truth: you can't do a damn thing about it (the origin of suffering)
  • Third Noble Truth: you'll only be happy if you acknowledge that fact (the truth about the cessation of suffering)
  • Fourth Noble Truth: you need to practise that acknowledgement (the truth to the path to the cessation of suffering: the Eightfold Path)

I know that I influence little and control nothing. But I'm constantly entertained by those posters who think they can make a difference - Smiles railing against Trump, kkjason self-righteously pontificating about the wickedness of the rarely-enforced anti-gay discrimination laws in Malaysia before his upcoming visit, Matt and Kim (or Leo, or whoever his latest catamite is), paborn about me, scotty, Smiles, Brad and anybody else who dares tell him he is wrong, wanting us all banned for challenging him and and, worse, mocking him. Most of all I'm entertained by those who say "I'm a Buddhist" and then carry on in such a way that shows pretty clearly they don't have a clue what that means