Quote Originally Posted by Nirish guy View Post
While I have to admit that sometimes just for pure humour if nothing else it can be funny when you pop in the usually jibs at SG, it is getting a bit old now and verging on stalking / bullying when he's clearly told you and us now several times that his last time in Thailand was (I believe he said September 16 - If my memory of his post is correct) and that he's also visited several other parts of Asia since that too both with and to visit his BF there.

I know it's funny to poke the bear and all that but maybe time to change the record for a while as it sounds like you're needles stuck - no ? I do realise however that you're point isn't of course to clarify anything and is of course just to wind SG up, but what used to be funny sometimes is as I'd said just getting a bit old now - maybe think of a new angle to have a go as hey lets face it it's not like he doesn't give you plenty of fresh material to work with - time to get a bit more creative perhaps !?
Nothing can change the small-minded; that is why I have an active Ignore list