My only complaint about such posts is that I've just started my "forthcoming thailand trip diet" i.e that moment of standing on the scales since the last trip and thinking " HOLY FUCK How did THAT happen !?" - and those posts are doing nothing to help ( well aside from the one with the burnt bacon and crappy looking eggs) but "that" just says more about my lack of will power than it does about the quality of the posts or otherwise perhaps ! :-(

But if it's believed that such information is useful and widely sough after perhaps a new sub group could be added to allow the posting of all and any info that's of interest to those that seek it to avoid the main page becoming something akin to a restaurant menu page perhaps - although I'm guessing if that same menu was for a selection of boys currently available in certain bars along with suitable pricing and a list of the "side options " that come with them we wouldn't be having this discussion perhaps ?