Don't miss out today on a golden opportunity of your lifetime to bestow threads you start, and other peoples threads, with the 'highly coveted' and 'much sought after' 5 Golden Star rating.

Now I'm talking no money down folks, no strings attached, you can drive it away today !

This offer is even sanctioned by our “cryptic leader”, who states: “ratings are then more accurate than more members participate in voting... any member may vote for any thread.”
Did I mention he was cryptic?

Well anyway, I hear you asking, Loki how can I get in on this sweet deal?

Well gents it's real simple.
While you're logged in, go to the upper right and depress the:
“Rate this Thread” button. Next, select:
“5 Golden Stars” (your thread is worth it, isn't it?) Next, depress the:
“Vote” button.

See how easy it was to put “Gold” in those threads?

So go ahead and rate those threads !

This offer is not valid in some states, and your mileage may vary.