Dont be so sure - my own mother and brother once tackled me about going to Pattaya so often and my mother said "dont think I dont know you know, I see all those women in the bars there in Thailand, I know EXACTLY what you're going there for you know !" - I did point out the whole "Hello GAY son here mum" thing but that particualr penny didn't seem to drop and she assumed I was away shagging bar girls - or so she claimed.

Actually in hind sight I think it was probably more a case whilst "being (fake) disgusted" the thought of me banging girl hookers there that was still infinitely better ( in her head) than me banging bar BOYS ! ( both in the sense of "boys" as we KNOW it and "boys" as she no doubt still thinks it ( as all gays are of course pedo's in her brain ! - but THAT as they say is and has been a WHOLE other conversation over the years for depending what mood she's in I guess.