Well, just recently arrived at my parent's house in Canada. Fuck!

Got banged up for a few days, 2 nights at a Nong Khai holding center, then 3 nights at the IDC before being deported. Damn, this sucks. Got out of Thailand without any issue. Simply paid my 20,000 baht, got blacklisted for 5 years, and we were out the door within minutes without issue.

Problem occurred at the Laos border. They wouldn't allow me entry, due to that blacklisting stamp. I guess when Thailand imposed that new blacklisting laws, Laos also changed their immigration rules and no longer allow entry via land to anyone with a blacklist stamp from Thailand. The Laos border refused to allow entry, even after 100,000 baht, and after about a 90 minute outburst from me, we were forced to go back to Nong Khai. Sure enough, since I was already blacklisted I was immediately detained.

Then sure enough, upon arrival in Canada I get pulled into secondary for a 3 hour interview and search by customs.

Anyway, dogs are with some Laos stransger, I think Leo is still in Bangkok but uncertain. Not sure what his short-term plans currently are, but I'm working at getting all four of us back together. If anyone wants details about IDC or anything, just let me know.