This drives me mad. I’ve travelled widely all over the world and spent a lot of time in Egypt which is the origin of the term “Gippy Tummy” (Egyptian Tummy) and I’ve been fine. I’ve been to Mexico and avoided “Montezuma’s Revenge”. I’ve travelled in South America and been fine. Only in India did I get food poisoning. Then there’s Thailand…

…Every time I visit I’m ill within a matter of days. Forget Street Food that would lay me up for a week. I’m so careful but it always seems to happen. My Thai boyfriend is baffled but likes to blame chocolate which he regards as evil. Useless to point out that it doesn’t effect me in the UK and I don’t think the occasional KitKat from the 7-11 does me any harm.

I’m already under weight for my height but I actually lose weight during each visit to Thailand. As I spend two months a year in Thailand it takes the rest of the time to put the weight back on again.

I am a vegetarian so probably eat more fruit and salads than many but I follow all the rules about washing etc.

Any tips?