The total clusterfuck that is the Thai "service" industry is a constant source of This Is Thailand anecdotes. I've had coffee a few times recently in the True Cafe in CP Tower on Silom (yes, the same building as McDonald's). A total shambles - consistently poor service day after day - but a rather cute barista or two. On Sunday afternoon I asked for my usual hot latte, drink in not takeaway. They'd run out of ceramic cups!! Today (10am) same story. Over the past few days I'd had the same ham & cheese snack - can't remember the name. There it was again, yesterday, available. Different label (the usual label was nowhere to be found on display). I pointed to it and read out the label ("Starfish" I think). And that's what I got - some sugary concoction. More staff than Starbucks, but the usual level of Thai chaos

You have to laugh at their "Thailand 4.0" pretensions. I usually respond "Like Airport Link?" when a Thai tells me earnestly about all the infrastructure triumphs the Thai government has in store. I love living here