I don't care, I'm just happy they're not going to require me to travel back to Canada on a ETD (emergency travel document), and instead will issue me a passport in Bangkok. They could have easily done so, because I had to request leniency, as I don't have any photo ID. All I had was my old passport that expired more than 1 year ago, so can't technically be used as photo ID.

And to obtain photo ID, I need to be physically present in Canada. I included my MRI results, and proof that Leo and myself are in a genuine relationship, and explained that it would currently be impossible to secure him a visitor VISA to Canada, as we don't have enough proof to convince the Canadian government he will return to Laos, and me going back to Canada on my own would just be a really bad idea.

Thankfully, they accepted my explanation, and will issue a 5 year passport. I just need to complete that form 116, and provide a letter of intent and whatever proof I can that we will leave Thailand and move to Vientiane.