So, would you fancy holidaying in Swampy airport for 3 months by CHOICE ??

From BBC Asia news site :
No-one really enjoys a long airport stopover, but for one Zimbabwean family, Bangkok's main airport has been home for nearly three months.

According to the Thai immigration bureau, the four children under 11 and four adults arrived in Bangkok in May, but are refusing to return to Zimbabwe for fear of persecution.

Their plight came to light after someone who said he worked at Suvarnabhumi airport posted a photo on Facebook showing himself giving a little African girl a Christmas present. In the now deleted post, Kanaruj Artt Pornsopit said the family had been living in the airport for nearly three months "because of the unsettled situation" in their country.

End of paste.

BUT reading on into the story all maybe not be quite what it seems perhaps with their sad plight and if one was a cynic one might suggest that the parents are as we say here in Ireland "at their work" and trying perhaps to play the system !!

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