I'm sure you've looked into it a hundred times SG but what about a ( genuine) study visa as that seems the automatic route for most guys ?

I know one Chinese friend of mine came here on a tourist visa and on liking the place ( god knows why) asked me to take him Queens University ( which he knew nothing of but had just googled "local Uni'). I explained cockily "oh trust me it doesn't work like that" and he looked at ME strangely and just said "ok, but take me please anyway". I did, he literally walked in the front door with no appointment, spoke to "someone" ? ( in the classes department I guess), he then picked ( WAS SOLD) some random course that he liked / could tolerate and signed up for and paid for it on the spot.

His fee ( which was considerable I seem to recall - like over a grand I think or maybe even two ?) but he was clear that to the Uni it was a business and they would do anything to help him get in / get his visa - as long as he paid them of course.

But that was it, he stayed here a while until the end of his tourist visa, then instantly switched over to his Study visa without having to leave the country, he then moved into digs here and stayed several more months and only left by his own choice again several months later and once he got bored. The whole study visa thing was obviously only a means to an end for him as he didn't give a toss about actually studying as his family were apparently rich enough to afford multiple Visas in several Countries that he visited it seems as I noted on facebook that he played that same card in several Countries that he visited it seems and it seems he just factored in "study visa cost" to his overall costs of world travel it seems.

So What about that - no joy there perhaps ?