Num took me to visit his frien' at 'his' bar. Meaning: the bucket-of-blood where friend was working.
Num introduced his friend, Khun A, and said, "Oh-oh, him used to be rich! Farang give him condo, car, gold and money, mahk-mahk. Farang tell him finish bar; Farang come back him still work bar, no school. Farang chuk him out. Condo, car, gold, money...bye-bye."
Num and A chatted. When A finished his drink; Num said, "Okay you tip my friend hundred baht." (Cheap little bugger--Always looking out for my money--Or protecting his own interests?
A wie'd and said, sorry, he had to go. It was starting time of another chuk-wow contest at Crazy Pub.