Ha I laughed when reading this, both at Arsenals oringal piece, which in the past wasn't far off the mark and now Yraens addition, which now as I'm older ( and wiser?) my urgency to meet and fuck basically ALL and any guys under 30 years old who reside in Thailand has now wained considerably and in fact on this forthcoming trip I intend to spend MUCH more time being reflective and perhaps visiting Wat's, speaking with monks and generally taking time to ponder the universe and dwell upon on my immortal soul and the meaning of life a bit more than in the past.

I also feel it's important to perhaps take time to get to know the REAL Thailand on this trip and so have also factored in time for several museum visits and also a visit to a library or two ( english speaking of course) to help me better understand Thai culture and appreciate the finer aspects of Thai living that up until now I feel I may have been missing out on.

I would also add that as my Flipino BF is totally aware of this site and generally doesn't even bother reading it when he sees it up on my screen I have a sneaking feeling he just might pay a passing interest in my cultural visit to Bangkok, Pattaya and Bali again just to keep himself abreast of how the deeper more spiritual side of my being is developing as as he often reminds me, I can't go on being such a slut as I "may" have been in the past and at SOME point I have to grow up and out of it "apparently", so, yes, it'll all be museums and Wats and early nights for me I'm afraid on this trip and I look forward to coming back well rested and refreshed and ready to start back to work here raring to go.

I have also decided that as part of my attempts at becoming the better person outlined above that my first decision will be to stop fucking every guy I can under 30 now - so I've decided under 29 will be the new me and my BF ( and all others who think I should "grow up" and settle down can - and how can I say this politely - oh yes, I know, can go and FUCK themselves as life short and this ISN"T a dress rehearsal ! :-))

But on a slightly more serious note I DO actually intend to take things a lot easier than before and ( seriously) whilst before I admit I may have been as we say here "fucking like a dog with two dicks' I honesty don't intend to be repeating that and do want to just chill out a bit this trip, I'm getting older and all the "hello, what your name" conversations have taken their toll and I can barely bother listening to it anymore, so, I'll go, relax, have a few beers, a few massages, maybe a quick off for old times sake and then it's early to bed with a ( the ) good book for a spot of early prayers and bible reading, well, that's the plan anyway........ cough cough.

PS I'm not seriously telling my BF to go fuck himself, he knows me of old and knows there's not much point in his trying to change me now - and anyway, why would he want to, sure I'm just wonderful - or so I keep telling him anyway !! lol