Very interesting discussion...

English is my third language [after French and German], but I more or less have a "native" command of English because I had tutorials in English as a child in Switzerland and graduated from an American high school and American universities.

Nevertheless, English slang occasionally baffles me. When I first heard, "voting with their feet", I could not understand the term until someone told me what it meant, to leave and go somewhere else. In fact, I perhaps heard this term for the first time in Bangkok, when some one told me, "If you do not like the drink prices at Dream Boys, you can vote with your feet"--i.e., patronize another bar.

The way young Americans use the term "chill" continues to confuse me...I understand, "chill out" after a long-day's work, but what does it mean if some one is described as "chill"????

Someone in this forum gave an interesting example of English: "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana". Yes, I can understand that....