I know that there have been reports about good beaches but I must confess that I am a lazy bastard and do not want to use the search function. So what I want for my partner and me is a nice CLEAN beach in February for a few days.I do not want to go to Pat,I was there a few times but the water was so disgusting. I used to go Phuket in the past but the stories I heard....no sunchairs...taxi mafia worse than ever..etc. did not sound inviting. It should be a place on the beach, ok if it is not too far away I would accept as well. I do not really care about the costs of the hotel...I ain t a "2 weeks millionaire" but money is not an issue. We both do not need bars etc. but a few nice restaurants would be welcome. BTW Thanks to Fountainhall and Surfcrest about their information about Taiwan LOL