Yeah, you unfortunately read the title right. From the sounds of things, the US is actually going to deploy B-52s to Iraq and Syria. Holy fuck...

I mean, the B-52s aren't going to be equipped with laser & satellite guided missiles that can hit a specific target within a 3m radius to reduce civilian casualties. Quite the opposite, and they're basically designed to simply carpet bomb entire areas.

I'm at a bit of a loss for words, and can't believe the US is doing this. They obviously want this war to continue. Really, do they believe that by carpet bombing a couple countries with B-52s we'll end up having peace? They're not that stupid, so they obviously want war.

All that's going to happen is we're going to create more "terrorists", because it just so happens when you bomb some innocent guy's house and kill his wife and children in the process, he tends to get pretty pissed off.

I'm pretty sure carpet bombing other countries is against international law, but fuck it, what's anyone going to do? Anyone gets angry at the US, they just say, "keep your mouth shut or we'll shock & awe you".