Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt
... but if you believe you're evading law enforcement for whatever reason (eg. Thai pornography laws), then you're sadly mistaken.
Do try not to attribute whatever motives you may have to other people - it shows a complete lack of imagination. After all, just because your method of accumulating wealth is the one preferred by child pornographers, drug dealers, kidnappers and other low lifes doesn't make you (or Bruce) fall into one of those categories
Quote Originally Posted by scottish-guy
My point being, I'm not technically minded so I have no idea what internet screening can or can't be done or what can or can't be done to evade it - but I do know that very often the extent of what "the authorities" claim to know or to be able to do, bears little resemblence to the truth.
Or, as in this case, what Surfcrest claims he can do