Hi guys, I'm currently in Bangkok on my first Thailand trip.

One thing I was quite looking forward to (purely from a research perspective of course, lol) was checking out some hardcore fu*k shows. All the places I've been to / boys I've asked have said they're not happening at the moment due to the Police / Govt'. I've mainly only tried around Soi Twilight & Nature Boys; & although there is nudity, hard cocks, occasionally a bit of sucking, nothing hard-core.

Does anyone have any suggestions where the type of shows everyone seems to associate with Bkk are still happening , or am I out of luck (only here a few more days). I am off to Pattaya next; is it the same story there, or are there still some hardcore shows going on there?

If anyone can provide any up-to-date info' it' be very much appreciated, thanks!!