Quote Originally Posted by whitemouse
' ... What am I wrecking? I wanted to meet a fellow Canadian, guy of my age, who lives in Thailand, just like I. What is strange about that? ... '
Nice try there buster ... but glaringly transparent hogwash.

What really happened was that, for several pages, you begged on bended knee for Cndmatt to meet up with you in Khon kaen. After this barrage of rather unseemly pleadings Cndmatt replied with a very precise 'NO'.

The 'fuck off' moment from Cndmatt came when you started a long rambling rant about his motives in denying your request.

After that, you added a few more long posts, each one becoming more and more demented than the next ... the bottom line of which were accusations that Cndmatt was a complete fraud, was not living in Khon Kaen but in Canada, that none of the stories he's posted on Sawatdee were true, that he probably has multiple handles, that he might well be manipulating the Admin [i.e. 'Surfcrest' ... not 'Seacrest'] in regards to the board's overall security, that other members of the board should be very very wary of Cndmatt.
You specifically accused him of deceiving all the members of Sawatdee for years.
And after all that paranoid garbage you demanded that Cndmatt prove a blatant negative [always a logical impossibility]; i.e. to prove you wrong on every count.

Any wonder you get told to fuck off. Something tells me [remember that little red light] that over the years dozens - perhaps hundreds - of your acquaintances have told you to do exactly the same thing.