After an absence of many years, I visited the Babylon Sauna the other day, arriving mid-afternoon. As has been the case, about half the facility was closed off until 5 pm. This meant that the only indoor facilities were the dry sauna, the steam room, and the showers. I was looking for the jacuzzi pool, but seemed to have lost it, so I tried the steam room (there used to be an entrance to the jacuzzi at the end of the steam room, but I was in the wrong steam room). Anyway, the curved steam room on the first floor was brutally hot, and really dark, people clustered around the entrance, with virtually no one much beyond the first few feet.

After a few minutes in the steam room, I really needed to cool down, so I tried a cold shower. At this point, someone came up behind me and attempted no lube, no condom sex, which I was not up for. I headed for the sauna, but it was also waaaaaaaaayy too hot, and so in order to cool down (it was a hot and humid day so outdoors was no fun), I went upstairs into the main building.

I headed for the dark rooms on the second floor, which at least were cooler. I found a dark corner next to a fan where I could cool down, and was able to recover a bit. People were coming and going, but not much was actually going on, which can be a recurring theme at Babylon. After some time, someone found me and began some fondling, eventually pulling me into what turned out to be a fairly large and dark room, at that moment it became a food fight, with some others grabbing me and pulling me deeper into the room. Since someone had me by the balls I was not about to run away. One guy was able to fend off the others and began working me over while jacking himself off, which didn't really appeal to me, so I finally slipped away into the corridor.

A few minutes later, I came back to the room when it was empty, and discovered a padded bench in the rear of the room, which was pitch black. I laid on the bench and observed people coming and going for a while, as best as I could in the darkness. Almost no one spent more than 30 seconds in the room, regardless of how many other people were there, except after about 10 minutes, the room filled up, and it looked like there was going to be some action.

And then the lights came on. It was 5 o'clock, and the rest of the building was being opened. It turned out that the room was actually the passageway to the rest of the facilities, and so everyone filed out into the next area. This portion of the building seemed new to me, with a large bathroom and dark room down below in one direction, and the Jacuzzi and shower room in another. Since my goal was to find the Jacuzzi, I headed down there, and saw that it was somewhat improved - the water was a little water, there were functional jets, it was a little darker, and seemed cleaner than before. People filed in and out, a lot of times in pairs, sitting down for a minute and then leaving. Apparently, it was really dark, since people kept tripping over other people's legs.

After some time, I had to leave for another engagement, so I didn't really get to check out the maze in that part of the building, or check out the private rooms. I did notice the private showers by the changing rooms, but they were all occupied.

What was different this time was the lack of the young Thai boys who used to flock to Babylon, basically everyone was 30 or above this time, maybe it was an unusual day. There were a lot of locals there, and a smaller number of younger Europeans.

I never figured out how to carry condoms and lube with me, so Babylon is a bit of a puzzle for me, although the facilities are great.