Well as the marriage equality referendum resulted in sixth highest turnout out of any of the 22 referendums previously held in the history of the Irish Republic I think we can safely assume those who wished their voices to be heard were and those who couldn't care less either way just went on about their business as normal.

However when the result is placed against the backdrop of Catholic church rallying their members to turn out in resounding numbers to vote an emphatic NO then I believe my view was a reasonable assumption to make.

Either way there is one thing of which there is no doubt and that is that the Cathoilc church WERE well and truly beaten and whether or not that was a result of people simply going out and voting yes or turn simply not going out to vote no (ie against the instructions / orders / threats from their priests and bishops) the outcome was the same - a massive two fingers to the Church whatever way you look at it, which is I believe what I said in my original post, but of course you know that already.