'Gay cake' row: Judge rules against Ashers bakery.

So, just in case anyone has been following it a land mark legal case here in the UK has just been ruled upon, where a "christian" bakery refused to make a gay for a gay guy which displayed a message in support of marriage equality as it went against their christian beliefs, so after months of legal wrangling and them refusing to compromise in any way the case went to court and the judge has just ruled that the bakery did blatantly discriminate against the gay guy solely on the grounds o this sexuality. Whilst I can understand where the christian fundaMENTALISTS where coming from in terms of their ( twisted and hateful homophobic) beliefs it's such an important ruling here in the UK for gay rights that absolutely reinforces the legislation where LGTB people can't be discriminated against simple because they are gay.

So, for once here in homophobic Northern Ireland a GOOD day for the gays ! :-))
