I sure endorse SimpleSoul's response. The additional good news is that there are some solutions to the things the OP included in what he fears he would miss.
If you are not morally opposed to downloading through torrents, virtually every US and British television program is available in only an hour or so (depending on the speed of your connection). If you're not familiar with doing that, check out Piratebay.com, Extratorrents.com, Kickasstorrents.com, or any of the many many other sources.
Grocery shopping does take some getting used to. Unfortunately, there will be some items not available (I sure miss Fritos), but Villa Market and other supermarkets cater to Western demands. If they don't have what you're looking for, they'll usually be willing to order it for you.
Like SimpleSoul, I also miss my friends back in the US - but most of them have now moved on, died, or are so sedentary that boredom quickly sets in. I do, though, have some problems making real friends in Pattaya. There are tons of other farang here (no pun intended - grin), but many seem to be limited in their conversation and activities to the sex scene. Nothing wrong with sex, but I've always related to my sex life as a private matter and not the center of almost every social exchange. But, friends are available and what is missed is the years of common experiences that built the foundation of "back home" friends.
When I try to think of other things I might miss, the compensations of living here make such things insignificant.