I have been in LOS now for one month, and I have been a major butterfly offing at least 20 boys from various places. Several I offed twice, and one I had three times. However, as I look back on the month, I find it mostly a blur of faces and bodies. Several stand out for various reasons in terms of sex, and several could be BF material except they have fatal flaws (one speaks no English, one really does not like having sex with men, and one has been constantly away with back-to-back repeat customers here on holiday).

So, I'm thinking of changing gears for my second month and seeing how it works offing a boy for one week. This way, I can get to know one boy, and maybe become very comfortable with him in bed (learning his body and his likes and dislikes). Plus, it will save the constant hunt every night for a sex partner (while fun, it can get grueling and expensive). It will also provide a bit more of a companion (something I miss with a BF). I may hate this experiment after several days, or it may take several tries to find the right boy, but I figure it is worth a shot.

I'm wondering what a fair tip might be for one week in the middle of low season (and it is really low here in Patong). I work an average of ten hours per day at least six days per week, so the boy will have lots of free time. I'd really like someone who can eat with me around 6pm, amuse himself until midnight or so, go out for a few drinks after that, have sex, and on the odd night sleep with me until morning (I'm not usually a fan of sleeping with someone else in the bed, although on my off day it can be nice). I also would want a boy who can have sex every night without argument or else that would be a deal breaker (and this may be impossible or unreasonable).

1,500 bt per day would be 10,500 bt for a week. This seems high to me. Is 7,500 bt a fair offer for the services I've described? Even the A boys in Patong are not being offed every single night at the moment. Even the good ones are lucky to get two or three offs per week. I don't want to be cheap, but at the same time, I am trying to learn to be a bit more realistic about the true costs of things in LOS and not grossly overpay for everything (yes, that inlcudes the cost of a bar boy for one week of services).
