Yeah truly awful, just watching it on TV, shocking, it looks like the passengers hasn't a chance as there must have been some sort of fire ball effect. I remember when I was on a VIP bus to Nakhon Sawan and I put my seat belt on ( which rarely do on a bus but as it was Thailand I figured it was a good idea) but I noticed several people looking at me like "WHAT are you bothering with that for" - although I guess in this sad case it wouldn't have made much difference and in fact may well have hindered your possible escape perhaps even !

You would wonder when you see images like this all the time on the raid that the Thais don't take more care ( of their own lives if nothing else) but maybe that's the whole Buddhist thing kicking in oh "well if today's my day that's it then and there's nothing I can do to change that" or "I'm ok, I made merit at the temple last night so I DEFINITELY won't have an accident today as I made sure to rub my wee relic that's hanging on the mirror as I got into the van" - I'm not quite sure where that leaves the rest of us none Buddhists though on the receiving end of their bad driving !! :-(