Christian, I want to make some recommendations which may assist you in your exploits in attracting the right kind of acquaintances. I think openly showing you are a kind person may attract more interest and curiosity as will dressing up a bit especially in regards to footwear. You also need to go to places other than SOI TWILIGHT, SCREWBOYS, and SARANOM PARK.


Smile: do you smile at a Thai guy you have an interest in?
Sharing: Do you carry food which you might share with them? The Thai like to eat and offering to share shows a good heart to them. In my experience, a good heart is highly regarded and will attract them quickly. Sharing food is also a very social interaction for them. When in doubt, do as the Thai do.
Curiosity: Have something with new technology to attract their interest. They are curious and will want to know what something is that they have not seen before and may ask questions more easily. It is a great way to get them talking.

Since you are younger than many posters on this board, you are not the usual type of Farang they interact with, so they may be much more shy in interacting with you.



Footwear: Are you impeccably clean and neat? IF you are walking around in flip-flops with dirty feet, I can promise you that this is a quick turnoff for many young Thai. You are a Farang, so they will expect more from you in terms of social status, so it is important to be clean, neat, and well bathed and dressed. Do you have any fragrance on? Is your hair neat and styled? (if not go to a gay shop and have it done, make small talk)


Strolling through Soi Twilight or into Screwboy may enable you to see some attractive or handsome guys, but may not connect you with what you are looking for if it is a 500 baht shag. Have you visited any of the universities or university hangouts? Have you visited any of the regular massage places? Have you gone to work out at Lumpini Park or at someplace such as California Fitness? How about a visit to the BKK Zoo? I think these would be some interesting outings for you and which all of us would like to hear about.