Since the discussion of how much websites are worth and using as a basis Googling website values, late last night I decided to check it out. The first said SGT was worth $0. The second was $700+. Then I started getting upwards of $2,500, $5,000, $9000, 600,000 (!) 1 million and something dollars and even 2 1/2 million dollars for a url. While I certainly would like to buy my board for even 25% of the valuation, well aslas I doubt it. I also checke out thier estimate of what the site brought in in ad revenue, another laugh! $5. to $100 a day. A couple of sites still had that the current owner accoriding to the data on Whois was Elephant spike with his address. Seems these sites are much more interested in the ads that they have flashing on all thier websites than to have software that would actually work.

Before the nay sayers talk about making an error in spelling on some, the url was copied and pasted each and every time. So next time someone wants to buy a domain name, well .... these statiscs and such are so whacked out I think they are doing Yabba!