Game of Thrones returns soon for its third series.

It's about various characters with huge egos vying for power and influence. Characters come and go, others are killed off or their ability to influence events wanes. Alliances are formed and then disintergrate as their natural antipathy comes to the fore and they find their position threatened. Some of the characters are bruisers and attack their foes with clubs, swords and sometimes whole armies. Others are more subtle and use stealth or a little word here and there to the right person at the right time. Nobody is safe, nobody fully trusts anyone else. nobody knows the full story.

So it's just like the members on the various boards squabling over the ether then, isn't it? Very entertaining but untimately completely make believe.

Scottish Guy and Neal were enemies for a long time. Then Neal took over the Kingdom and SG feared assassination. An uneasy alliance was formed and eventually Neal agreed to hand over his Kingdom. However Neal disapproved of how SG was running things, terrorising the population and decapitating anyone who disagreed with his policies. So, Neal retook his Kingdom and SG has retreated to another land to mount sporadic guerilla attacks from the safety of his exile. But if his new hosts find themselves wearying of the trouble he brings to their formerly peaceful land he may find himself with nowhere to go as his feud with Gaybutton is also well documented and besides counter insurgents are not permitted there as it is an Absolute Monarchy.
Meanwhile King Neal has launched a full scale attack on SG assisted by two flunkies Timberty and Zebedee who have been graciously allowed back into the Kingdom provided they do as they are told.

As I say. Very entertaining.