Former King Neal (who trained at The Kim Jong Il School of Personality Cultism) sold the land to Surfcrest who initially promised almost complete freedom to the populace but has since made gentle but noteable observations about some order being necessary. He also dragged the old warhorse Jinks out of his retirement to act as temporary bodyguard and do some of King Surfcrest's dirty work. Was this wise? Jinks lives mainly in the dark shadows these days and has the ability to slip in and out of all the lands virtually unnoticed. He would have made a fine spy. But, where is Northern Irish? He too glides between the Kingdoms, welcome anywhere and everywhere. Where does his allegience lie?
Like many a former Emperor who has been dethroned (albeit with a chestful of dubloons) Ex King Neal is angry at...well almost everyone. He is screaming abuse at the new King on SGT while at the same time making friends with the Shah of Gaybutton himself by inviting him to this wonderful new holiday paradise. This was done by wearing a superbly cunning disguise but a sharp eyed subject rudely pulled off his hornrimmed glasses and false beard.
The rest of the nobles are furious about the duplicitous nature of their former dictator and are attacking him with the very latest verbal weapons. State of the art wordy warfare equipment such as....You said....I never said...I quote...You didn't say...Don't tell lies... and some are using the chemical weapons of Messageboardlandom...BIG CAPITAL LETTERS, often in shockingly garish colours.
Some of the nobles ocassionally stop attacking landless and almost friendless Neal just to start a mini war with another lord who they hate just a little bit more. This is perhaps the bitterest and most vengeful war that Messageboardland has ever witnissed and I suspect that the anger and bitterness will drag on for years.