It seems wherever I go I hear Christmas songs. What is this? This is Thailand more over Asia. Has the commercial industry gone and gotten their claws into Asia now also?
OK, I was in Bangkok - Pattaya Hospital as usual at 6 am and trying to get a little sleep during the 4 1/2 hour dialysis process. First I pass this fake Christmas tree in the dialysis center and then while I am sleeping I get woken up by Christmas tunes on the PA!

Today I went shopping in Foodland and what do I hear? You got it! Santa Clause is Coming to Town followed by all the rest of his tunes. Now I am not a prude and I do enjoy things of Christmas and will go out for a nce dinner with the boys, but come on. The dialysis boy now asks me what I buy him for Christmas and it seems that wherever I am going the implication is the same as the West. What you get me for Christmas? Just another excuse to get falang to shell out the money.