During my last trip to Pattaya I seem to walk through Boyztown every other night and the Massage guys outside of the Ambiance Hotel would make a big always call me over to joke or flirt before they tried to persuade me to come inside for a massage. Now I must admit that at the time I found the guys to be masculine and handsome but since I had no knowledge of what goes on in the Boyztown massage rooms I would always thank them for the offer but decline the invitation. Also it may not show online but in person I am a shy person that becomes ever more so when 3 or 4 guys are showing me too much attention at the same time.

Have any of you had experience with the Boyztown massage places? If so what is the average cost and tip? What should someone expect from a massage there?

Any info would be appreciated.

I may just give it a try on my next trip.