Over 120 different labels for sale and a large number by the glass, why is something like not available in Pattaya. yes I know there is no sales tax on wine in Cambodia and in Thailand it is a prohibitive 300%

Siem Reap seemed like an extension of Sunee last week with so many faces in Pub Street and the lane. This was certainly one of the highlights of my trip to Cambodia. Wine lovers I commend this bar to you.


The top prices for his top of the range wines were just under $US100 and if available in Thailand would cost more than 3 times that. maybe more.

There is a small drag show now on friday as well as saturday. I am not a fan of drag but I did enjoy this. First the "boys" really enjoyed what they were doing, did not take themselves seriously and laughed with us if they tripped of misssed a step.

The owner was in the wine industry for 13 years but I doubt his qualifications after he tried to persuade me to drink some Napa chardonnay. Wine is served with free cheese and olives, a nice touch.

I wish I wish I wish there was something similar in Pattaya

Several people I have discussed this with since returning have mused--- it might be worth driving the car for a visit and to bring back a bottle or three.