As the internet becomes more public and searchable as well as traceable. (There are now services in the USA that will trace you by your IP address and any related IP address used by you over 10 years providing a report of photo's you have posted, websites you have posted on be they indexed or thought to be secure).

I know that The Thai tend to call young men and children "Boys" but is that something that the gay community should embrace and promote? Thailand is suffering from a perceived perception that perverts are going there for the boys and not the young men.

We say that the Thai call the young men "Boys" but where does that come from? English is not their first language and they try to communicate as best they can to understand those speaking different from them. Could it be that those in the beginning did in fact go there looking for boys and the term has stuck and grown?

At any rate and in any circle, it can't look good for a man of 30, 40, 50 60 or 70 talk about his fun with boys while on holiday.

Maybe it is time for a change? Maybe it is time to bury the word "Boy" in the Farang/Thai Gay Community?